Krishan Chawla

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Blog Post

How to download maven dependencies behind organization proxy

10 April, 2024 Quick Byte
How to download maven dependencies behind organization proxy


Whether you’re a Software Developer or an Automation Engineer, Maven is a widely used build tool today. One common challenge in some environments is the inability to download Maven dependencies due to organizational proxies. In this article, I’ll share a quick guide on how to download Maven dependencies behind your organization’s proxy.

Proxy Configuration

Let’s understand how to setup proxy configuration. This configuration can be done in settings.xml file.

  • Open your settings.xml file located in <user_home>/.m2 directory. If the file does not exist, you can create it.
  • Add the following <proxies> configuration inside the <settings> element, replacing and 8080 with your server’s hostname and port:
        <!-- Optional: Proxy username and password -->

If your organization requires authentication, uncomment the <username> and <password> tags and provide your credentials. Additionally, you can specify hosts that should bypass the proxy in the <nonProxyHosts> tag.

Test the Configuration:

To test the proxy configuration, run a Maven command such as mvn clean install for a Maven project. Maven should now be able to download dependencies through the proxy.

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